Each of GORGOU Woven Leather Handbags is designed by the designer with the customer in mind. In today's fast moving world, we are always on the go, so it is important to have a large capacity bag to carry all the essentials on the go. This handbag has enough detailed compartments to hold all your daily essentials while being comfortable to carry.
Large Capacity Woven Storage Bag
This woven leather wallet features a zippered main pocket and 5 small pockets inside, providing spacious storage for your daily essentials. Whether it's your cell phone, keys, lipstick, cash, passport, portable batteries, credit cards, checkbook, or small items, they can all be stored neatly and orderly for easy access.
This woven Hobo bag can be used as a purse, tote and shoulder bag. Even if you're wearing very thick clothing, such as a heavy coat or sweater, its armholes are large enough to fit easily. This top handle shoulder bag can be easily matched with your outfit to create a fashionable look, and it is also a great gift choice for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, birthdays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or any other holiday.